5 ways to start to eat right and extend your life

Good News Notes: “Living a longer, healthier life can start with your diet. You could add up to 13 years to your life if you ate few red and processed meats and more fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts, a recent study revealed. According to the study , the largest gains in longevity were found…

How to Eat to Lower Your Risk of Breast Cancer, from an Expert

Good News Notes: “Soy is not bad for you. Let’s just start with that misconception. In fact, soy, or specifically the phytoestrogen in soy products like tofu and soybeans, functions as a brake that inhibits cell growth, by acting on your beta estrogen receptors, which means it can help suppress cancer. In contrast, actual estrogen acts in the opposite…

Healthy Diet May Lower Relapse Risk After 1st Myelin Attack Signaling MS

Good News Notes: “A ‘prudent’ diet rich in fresh fruit, non-fried fish, whole grains, vegetables, and nuts may lower the likelihood of a relapse in people with a first demyelinating event, a major risk factor for multiple sclerosis (MS), a study in Australia suggests. While the researchers did not find a strong link between such a…

This College Student Lost 184 Lbs.

Good News Notes: “Ethan Taylor says he struggled with his weight growing up, but two years ago as a college sophomore, he decided to dedicate himself to change.” “After years of late-night snacking, lack of exercise and yo-yo dieting, Taylor hit 368 lbs., so he revamped his diet and started running.” “He completed his first…