Unicyclist rides through the Ozarks raising money for charity

Good News Notes: “A man unicycling his way across Route 66 stopped in the Ozarks. Peter Frank, 19, is raising money for a charity making a difference in his life. Frank has been riding a unicycle since he was 11. After a tragic accident, he was told he may never be able to ride his…

Lululemon founder buys Canadian islands to conserve ecosystems

Good News Notes: “The Lululemon founder, Chip Wilson, has purchased one Canadian island, and helped buy another, in order to donate them to a charity. The islands in question are Saturnina and West Ballenas, two tiny undeveloped specks in the Salish Sea off the eastern coast of Vancouver Island. The former yoga apparel magnate also…

Kyrie Irving makes clean water a reality in Pakistani village

Good News Notes: “Fans (and some media) have tried to paint Kyrie Irving as a villain and a malcontent in corners like Boston and Cleveland, but the Nets star is being quietly hailed as a hero in others, where his philanthropy is changing lives. His latest effort — a solar-powered water plant in Rohal, one of…

Xiaomi Co-Founder Donates $2.2 Billion of Shares to Charity

Good News Notes: “Xiaomi Corp. co-founder Lei Jun donated $2.2 billion of shares in the smartphone maker to charity, joining other technology company chieftains in giving to philanthropy amid increased scrutiny on the industry. Lei on July 13 donated 616 million Class B shares to the Xiaomi Foundation and the Lei Jun Foundation, according to…

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Give Generous Donation to Mothers in Need

Good News Notes: “Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are continuing their mission of supporting women in need. It was revealed via Harvest Home’s Instagram account yesterday that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had donated a generous amount of Pampers baby diapers to the charity as part of the company’s Million Acts of Love Campaign. The organization…

Xbox donates to animal shelter to honour River, ‘Fallout 4’s’ Dogmeat

Good News Notes: “Xbox and Bethesda have donated money to the Montgomery County Humane Society in honour of River, the dog responsible for inspiring the design of Fallout 4’s Dogmeat. $10,000 USD was donated to the charity, which aims to prevent cruelty to animals and provide homes for them as well. Xbox said in a tweet: “In honor of River,…