Man inspires others through his own recovery

Good News Notes: “One man has turned his substance abuse into a passion for helping others. Roderic Townes started using drugs and alcohol when he was just 12 years old. Looking back, Townes realized it stemmed from being raised by his grandparents because his mother couldn’t afford two kids. Townes said he continued to make…

Two Vancouver recovery centers want sobriety to have its fun moments

Good News Notes: “About a dozen people are gathered inside Recovery Cafe Clark County in Vancouver, eating sandwiches and chips and playing darts. There’s a small putting green rolled out on the floor. Conversation flows, and then William O’Connor, 51, steps to the microphone. He looks to his friend Charles Hanset, who’s playing darts. ‘Hey…

Levin Papantonio presents $15k check to Communities Caring at Christmas

 Good News Notes: “Channel 3 is thrilled to welcome a major sponsor to our Communities Caring Program.” “Since 1979, we have seen a drastic increase in the number of children in foster care.” “The largest number are those removed from their homes because of the parent’s opioid abuse.” View the whole story here:

Byesville Rotary makes blankets for children in foster care

Good News Notes: There has been a significant increase in the number of children in foster care due to parental challenges with opioid addiction. In many of these cases, children arrive in foster care with little to nothing with them because it all had to be left behind to be sure there was no contact…

First Baby Born From MOMS Program Is Happy And Home With Mom

Good News Notes: The MOMS (Maternal Opioid Medical Stabilization)  helps expectant mothers that are addicted to opioids to have happy, healthy, babies free from addiction or withdrawal symptoms. Babies born addicted to opioids spend longer in the hospital being treated for their inherited addiction and face higher mortality rates. The people running MOMS hope this…