Believe or not, this new vegan meat is made from air

Good News Notes: “Air Protein is an entirely unique approach to making meat substitutes. It literally turns air into protein, without methane gas release and other harmful effects from agriculture. Meat substitutes offer a plethora of benefits to the environmentas a food source without deforestation, factory farming or carbon emissions. According to their website, Air Protein is…

How to Eat to Lower Your Risk of Breast Cancer, from an Expert

Good News Notes: “Soy is not bad for you. Let’s just start with that misconception. In fact, soy, or specifically the phytoestrogen in soy products like tofu and soybeans, functions as a brake that inhibits cell growth, by acting on your beta estrogen receptors, which means it can help suppress cancer. In contrast, actual estrogen acts in the opposite…

Plastic is killing us, but maybe soybeans can save the day

 Good News Notes: Restaurants “remain completely dependent on plastics, particularly plastic wrap. The development of a food safe, ecologically responsible alternative has been slow going, but CNN reports that a new product made from soybean byproducts could potentially be the solution that the food industry has been waiting for.” “Invented by William Chen, a professor of…