And So It Begins: World’s 11th-Biggest Economy Pitches Renewable Energy For COVID-19 Recovery

Good News Notes:

“One key state is New York State, which by some measures would be the world’s 11th-largest economy if it was an independent country. On Friday, April 3, New York announced the passage of enabling legislation for its new clean power plans. If that date rings a bell, April 3 is the same day that seven top oil and gas executives went to the White House to discuss the plight of their industry.”

“Along with the now-familiar goal of creating jobs and fighting climate change, the new clean power plan makes the connection between renewable energy and economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

To that end, the so-named Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act creates the nation’s first-ever ‘Office of Renewable Energy Siting.’ The idea is that more private sector investment will be attracted more quickly, by tailoring the state’s approval process to fit renewable energy projects. The legislation also provides for reducing financial risk, helping to attract more private sector dollars that might otherwise go elsewhere.”

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