Good News Notes:
“Semi-State forestry company Coillte, which manages Ireland’s State-owned woodlands, has launched a major new strategy to optimise the benefits from forestry.
The company aims to massively expand carbon capture, forestry planting, biodiversity and recreational facilities between now and 2050.
Coillte manages 440,000 hectares of forest in Ireland, amounting to 7% of the country’s land area.
With its new strategy, the company aims to further enhance its sustainability, while continuing to develop the forestry and wood product sector and providing for enhanced biodiversity and recreational activities.
The company aims to capture 28 million tonnes of Co2 by 2050, by planting 100,000 hectares of new forest and optimising carbon management of existing trees, rewetting areas of peatland, and generating additional wind energy to power half a million homes….”
View the whole story here: