Rediscovered in a basement, his prewar opera heads to Germany

Good News Notes: “Later this month, Jan Agee will leave her Davis home, get on a plane, and fly 6,000 miles to Germany just to attend an opera. And she isn’t even an opera fan. But she is a fan of this one. “Grete Minde” is a three-act opera composed by her grandfather, Eugen Engel,…

A new brick building in Manhattan is made of 577,367 pounds of recycle

Good News Notes: “Let’s play Spot The Difference, urban edition. You’re on West 47th Street in Hell’s Kitchen, a Manhattan neighborhood known for its industrial vibe. Like much of the area, the street is lined with brick buildings; despite some color variations, the facades mostly look the same. There is, however, one striking difference. A…

Meet Mr Trash Wheel – and the other new devices that eat river plastic

Good News Notes: “The Great Bubble Barrier is just that – a wall of bubbles. It gurgles across the water in a diagonal screen, pushing plastic to one side while allowing fish and other wildlife to pass unharmed. The technology, created by a Dutch firm and already being used in Amsterdam, is being trialled in the Douro…

newly launched ‘leandrop’ brand provides sustainable clothing made from hemp and bamboo

Good News Notes: “formed by three young entrepreneurs concerned about climate change, the ‘leandrop’ fashion brand provides sustainable clothing made from hemp and bamboo. founded between the streets of barcelona and amsterdam, the company has a mission of contributing towards a lean world of fashion everyone is valued and respected, and the environment is treated with dignity. the new…

How U.S. Cities Can Learn From Amsterdam in Becoming More Sustainable

Good News Notes: “As the climate crisis comes into sharper focus with ever new urgency, architects have been redefining just what ‘sustainable architecture’ can mean, treating the question as a design challenge itself. For a long while, the building industry got a pass for defining sustainability as a less wasteful alternative than conventional approaches. Now,…