Central Texas brothers develop app to assist people with gardening at home

Good News Notes: “Two Central Texas brothers are at it again, cross-breeding farming and technology. They’ve grown from helping folks farm at home in a box to cultivating a new app to assist you with gardening. Brothers Luke and Nathan Heath are launching their app called “Smart Garden Assistant” later this month  on Earth Day, April 22….

New app helps police rescue stranded hikers in Sault Ste. Marie

Good News Notes: “Three people who got lost hiking Jan. 10 in the Connor Road area of Sault Ste. Marie were able to use the ‘what3words’ app to let police know where they were located. One of the hikers called the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service at 3:57 p.m., and dispatchers were able to get…

Philly nonprofit uses app to help feed food insecure

Good News Notes: “Getting food to those in need is a little easier than it used to be, thanks to an app from a Philadelphia nonprofit.  Philly Food Rescue uses its app to connect food donors with people who need it. It’s a resource officials say has been in high demand.” View the whole story here: https://kywnewsradio.radio.com/articles/news/philly-nonprofit-uses-app-to-help-feed-food-insecure

Tinder for trees: Reforestation app hooks up investors, growers

Good News Notes: “A new online platform aims to connect people who can plant trees with investors with millions of dollars to spend, its backers said, in a bid to stem deforestation worldwide. TerraMatch, launched on Thursday, aims to boost efforts to protect forests and plant trees, critical tactics in the fight against climate change…

Meijer aiming to reduce food waste with app rollout in all stores

 Good News Notes: “Grocery chain Meijer announced on Tuesday its plans to expand an initiative to reduce food waste in all of its stores by the end of 2020. The initiative allows shoppers to purchase food items nearing their sell-by date at discounted prices through an app called Flashfood.” View the whole story here: https://www.wthr.com/article/meijer-aiming-reduce-food-waste-app-rollout-all-stores