MacKenzie Scott gives $123M to Big Brothers Big Sisters

Good News Notes: “MacKenzie Scott gave $122.6 million to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, the national youth-mentoring charity announced on Tuesday. The gift is the latest of several the billionaire writer has given to large national nonprofits that carry out their missions through local chapters in neighborhoods throughout the country. With this latest donation,…

Nonprofit Spotlight: Ziggy’s Haven Bird Sanctuary

Good News Notes: “It’s sometimes quite noisy at Ziggy’s Haven Bird Sanctuary in Inverness. Lots of chirping, whistling and clicking of tongues, squawks and screeches, even an occasional hiss. But it’s music to Wendy Waas’ ears. Waas is the founder and president of Ziggy’s Haven Bird Sanctuary, started in 2003 by Waas’ now deceased 15-year-old…

Colorado Springs nonprofit makes a big impact through iconic childhood toy

Good News Notes: “Despite the nationwide appeal of American Girl dolls, its hefty price tag makes it tough for some families to afford but that’s where the nonprofit organization, Madison’s Hope, Inc. comes in. The founder of the nonprofit organization, Shari Kovariks says her mission is to take donated American Girl dolls and refurbish them to give…

To Resurrect Jordan’s Lost Forests, People Plant Tiny Urban Ones

Good News Notes: “At a park in the east Amman neighborhood of Marka, a local street cat stalks two small birds past shrubs and saplings. Deema Assaf, an architect turned environmentalist, stops talking for a moment to watch the interaction. Only a few feet from the oblivious birds, the cat freezes. Then it loses interest…

$1M In Grants Awarded To Baltimore County Volunteer Fire Companies

Good News Notes: “Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski today announced the allocation of $1 million in grants to the County’s volunteer fire companies, which are a key component of the County’s public safety infrastructure. The funds will come from the County’s American Rescue Plan allocation. Our volunteers have always been an invaluable asset to the communities…

North Carolina nonprofit builds free homes for licensed foster families

Good News Notes: “A North Carolina nonprofit is building free homes for foster families aimed at keeping large sibling groups together and in their own home communities.  Alex Williams, the founder of Fostering Hopes, told Fox News that North Carolina limits how many children, including biological children, can be in a home. “It’s very, very difficult to…

Council Bluffs nonprofit Promise 4 Paws cares for senior dogs

Good News Notes: “Cathy Graeve’s life’s purpose is bringing care and comfort to dogs who need it most. “I love all dogs, but old dogs, they just get me. Even when they’re peeing on the floor, it’s just like, what do you do?” Graeve laughed. Her passion was sparked about fifteen years ago as a…