Vegetable fats linked to lower stroke risks, reports say

Good News Notes: “New research has found that diets with fat from vegetable sources instead of from meat are associated with a lower risk of stroke, according to reports. The observational study utilized 27 years of data from more than 117,000 medical professionals, pulled from the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. According to NBC News, the study’s authors…

Eat Two Fruits a Day, Ward Off Diabetes?

Good News Notes: “A new study supports the recommendation of eating two servings of fruit a day for health benefits — or, in this case, a lower risk of diabetes. A population-based Australian study found that adults who ate two servings of fruit a day had a 36% lower chance of developing diabetes within 5 years compared to…

The VA Is Now Offering Transition Services Specially Tailored for Female Veterans

Good News Notes: “The Department of Veterans Affairs is teaming up with the Department of Defense to offer Women’s Health Transition Training (WHTT) for female service members who are transitioning to civilian life. The voluntary training program is in addition to the normal Transition Assistance Program (TAP) that all separating military members are required to attend, and is not…

San Francisco Seeks to End Meat and Dairy in Hospitals and Jails

Good News Notes: “As the world turns its attention to the risk of eating meat, the city of San Francisco plans to reduce the consumption of animal products in city jails and public hospitals. The City Board of Supervisors passed this vote last week stating: ‘Jails must reduce purchases of animal products by 50 percent…

Plant-Based, Sugar-Free Foods Are On The Rise

Good News Notes: “Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the relationship between diet and health, and since the COVID-19 pandemic, this is taking on a new significance. With the virus continuing to spread, it makes sense that people are paying attention to what they can control, which includes eating a healthy diet to increase the chances…

Possible Diabetes Breakthrough

Good News Notes: Crucial to the diabetes picture is the pancreas, responsible, among other things, for the production of insulin.  Since diabetes revolves issues with the right amount of this critical component a lot of research has focused on this organ.  Most of the advances over the years have come in the form of regulating…

5 extra wonders of a plant-based diet

Good News Notes: “Many of the important benefits of a plant-based diet – particularly for climate health and animals – are well known. Yet despite the science being very clear, there remains confusion about the impact on human health. We have long known for example, that a diet centered around whole plant-foods – fruits, vegetables,…

Exercise to Boost Your Immune System | How Much Exercise You Need

Good News Notes: “You know exercise is good for your health, but you might be wondering—can exercise can help ward off respiratory illnesses? And should you continue exercising during a global pandemic, or should you give your immune system a rest? As it turns out, continued physical activity can actually help boost your immune system—but just…